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Reflection on lesson: Mixed-media Architecture Drawing – Texture/Frottage


Outcomes of that lesson - students:

  • know how to transform their observation and analysis into art forms (copying the image is never the same as original as we all draw uniquely)

  • understand that inspiration and impression of places/objects can create a reason for creating another artistic image

  • know how to combine drawing with painting and other mediums

  • know the art vocabulary: realistic, abstract, texture, shape, technique, space, background, transfer etc.

  • know the importance of creativity


What went well?

The students were put out of their comfort zone because they were asked to create a new image based on the reference picture’s inspiration. The authentic learning experience was obviously present during this lesson as students had to use critical thinking while analyzing the parts of the image and transforming it into a new creations (totally new value). Their decision making of using different materials and mediums as well as their problem solving skills were truly tested in this exercise.


I think many of the students were positively surprised by the visual results they achieved in this free-hand drawing exercise.


How can it be better next time?

At first this learning task was difficult for some learners to understand. I think this was due to their expectations of art classes based on coping and perfectionism in drawing. The students were afraid of experimenting and feeling free to test different mediums. If I face a similar situation in the future I will introduce such exercise gradually and give students more examples of similar drawing approaches.




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