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Reflection on Relationships with Students

How can I teach someone who I do not know? – I cannot!


To recall Rita Pierson’s TED talk video:

“The value and importance of human connection…
No significant learning can occur without significant relationship”.


This is my strong believe and also the core of my teaching philosophy. Since the very beginning of my practicum I tried to form a good rapport with my students. First steps are never easy, unless someone is really willing to share his/her personality. I always observe the students, smile and try to ask discreet questions related to their art. Offering help is another way of getting to know the learners better. When we chat, share ideas the dialogue begins and suddenly the first ice breaks. The first week, where the observation is something to focus on, promotes a lot of conversing situations. So when the real teaching started I already knew the students a little bit more.




Getting to know my students - Class Learning Profile

Before I start teaching I strive to learn who my students are personally. I like to know their talents, abilities and fascinations. I also prefer to fine out their learning styles so I can plan my lessons accordingly. Enclosed are examples of class learning profile documents such as surveys and data collection sheets. 





Negotiating the curriculum

This kind of planning and putting the students in a position of organizing the educational process as equally as the instructor is very innovative. When I read about this idea in Vygotsky’s pedagogical theory I had a feeling that this might be hard to accomplish in real life. But now when I gave it a try in my classes I feel this is truly the path to follow. I can picture it now as composing the curriculum and the delivery methods so they are tailored for every person in the class. Also, I see a lot of benefits that come from this kind of approach as it is not limited to only one point of view (the teacher’s). Moreover, it gives me as a teacher a chance to discover every student’s preferences and interests. Another way of learning what really matters to them.

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