Teacher's Portfolio
by Jolanta Wenda
Additional Technology Used in My Classes.
I frequently use a printer and a scanner to print and enlarge images needed for drawing, painting or sculpting. Because some students are very cautious about experimenting with different painting techniques, photocopying the sketches gives me a chance to let them experiment on multiple sheets of paper and not be worried about ruining the final image.
Email – I use email to communicate with my partner teacher and other staff members as well as the parents.
Schoology, D2L or similar platforms allows teachers to communicate with each other but also with the students and parents. We all have accounts there and can post and send messages. I also use this web for my blog, where I post the main projects completed by the students. Learners also can submit their assignments via this platform. Similarly, attendance and grades are published there.
Smart TV Screen placed in the entrance area (cafeteria) let all teachers share the classroom’s moments or school’s events with the public. I upload images of assignments from our art and photography classes there. It is great for students and their families because they may frequently enjoy the art creations.
Smartboard - is a great tool which can definitely make the content of the lesson look more attractive. It also promotes the interactive and multidisciplinary learning. I feel confident using a smartboard and my students are encouraged to perform many activities on smartboard during our classes.