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Reflection on Blow Paint Faces - Express The Mood! 


  • Students know how to depict different moods and feeling by drawing and painting

  • Students are familiar with art vocabulary: shape, view, emotion, static – dynamic, blow pain art technique

  • Students know how to express their ideas through art

  •  Students know how to use different mediums to create artworks

  • Students know the importance of creativity and uniqueness of every artist


What went well?

The students were immensely engaged in this lesson. The game (hook) at the beginning was very catchy. As I called few students out the rest of the class was trying to analyze the shapes of their colleagues’ faces. They also explored the dark and light parts of the human face realizing that the light creates shapes, which transferred into drawing result in 3-dimentional illusion. The inquiry was done through asking the right questions – students discovered the facts by speculating and analyzing.


How can it be better next time?

I could have used mirrors for this drawing exercise. I think it might have helped if the learners had been provided with little mirrors in front of them so they could observe the anatomy of their own faces.  






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